Jareyah Bradley, jareyah@balestramedia.com, 908.242.4822

June 16, 2017
Contact: Jareyah Bradley, jareyah [at] balestramedia.com, 908.242.4822

Ending Protection for Undocumented Parents, Trump Administration Continues 2012 DACA—For Now

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Last night, the Trump Administration announced that it has rescinded the memo created by the Obama Administration to protect immigrant parents through Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA). The Administration also announced that, for the time being, they would continue the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, but made no acknowledgment of the multiple DACA recipients arrested, detained, and deported since Trump took office.

The Immigrants Legal Resource Center released the following statement from Jose Magaña-Salgado, Managing Policy Attorney:

“The Trump Administration’s decision to formally end DAPA and the expansion of DACA is undeniable evidence that President Trump has fully committed to the anti-immigrant politics of family separation, detention, and mass deportation. Tonight, I will have to explain to my own mother, who has lived in the United States for close to three decades and would have been eligible for relief under DAPA, why President Trump wants to tear hard-working people like her away from their U.S. citizen children.”

“The Administration’s announcement that the original 2012 DACA would not be affected by this announcement falls short of a concrete commitment that DACA will indefinitely continue. Indeed, DACA recipients continue to be arrested, detained, and deported under the President’s deportation apparatus. We will continue to work to protect the continued existence of DACA and defend against overzealous ICE arrests, the drastic expansion of detention, and state and local enforcement of immigration laws fuel the Administration’s stated goal for an unprecedented and record breaking number of deportations.”

Nearly 900 organizations urged the Trump Administration to continue DACA. Moreover, an Immigrant Legal Resource Center report found that 87 percent of DACA recipients are currently employed by U.S. businesses and ending DACA would result in an estimated $3.4 billion in turnover costs to employers and the loss of $24.6 billion in contributions to Social Security and Medicare over a decade.

For interviews, please contact Jareyah Bradley at jareyah [at] balestramedia.com or 908.242.4822.


About the Immigrant Legal Resource Center

The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is a national nonprofit that works with immigrants, community organizations, legal professionals, and policymakers to build a democratic society that values diversity and the rights of all people. Through community education programs, legal training & technical assistance, and policy development & advocacy, the ILRC’s mission is to protect and defend the fundamental rights of immigrant families and communities. www.ilrc.org