Juan Prieto is a digital strategist and graphic designer based in Oakland, California. An immigrant from Mexicali, Mexico himself, he works to implament narrative shifting strategies in the context of crimmigration for the emerging world of digital communications. Juan's comprehensive understanding of the ways the digital space can be used to cultivate transformative change began when he was first targeted by far-right extremists after writing a series of opinion pieces for the New York Times.
Since then, he's helped train and empower young advocates across California to use digial communications to shift the public discourse around immigration, detention, and against the propaganda of criminalization. As the Statewide Communications Strategist at the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance (CIYJA), Juan led the digital communications efforts which helped free hundreds of people from detention centers across California under the banner to #FreeThemAll.
Juan holds a B.A. in English Literature from the University of California, Berkeley.