¿Es usted un defensor comunitario que desea capacitar a otros sobre sus derechos durante un encuentro con ICE? ¿Es usted un miembro de la comunidad y desea saber cuáles son sus derechos y cómo hacerlos valer en diferentes entornos? En este seminario web, primero brindaremos un resumen de Conozca sus Derechos abarcando los derechos que tienen todas las personas, sin importar su estatus legal, y lo que pueden hacer para prepararse y protegerse a sí mismo y a su familia. La segunda parte del...
Are you an advocate wanting to train others on their rights when they encounter ICE? Are you a community member wanting to know what your rights are and how you can assert them in different settings? In this webinar we will first provide a Know Your Rights (KYR) overview, covering the rights that all individuals have, regardless of status, and what they can do to proactively prepare and protect themselves and their families. The second half of the webinar will outline how advocates can plan and conduct their own KYR training to help spread the word.
Disclaimer: This webinar...
In this webinar, which builds on "Disrupting the Jail-to-Deportation Pipeline: Local Campaigns," you will learn how advocates and systems-impacted leaders in California have disrupted the jail-to-deportation pipeline in their communities through advocating for and defending their local sanctuary policies. This presentation will share strategies, talking points, and lessons learned on how coalitions have fought to keep families and communities together.
In this webinar, we will cover the basics regarding immigration enforcement in California. Designed for those new to the fight against ICE, we will provide an overview of how ICE identifies, detains, and deports noncitizens, as well as an overview of existing state laws which limit law enforcement’s ability to cooperate with ICE. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the various mechanisms ICE employs, relevant California state laws, and the remaining gaps.
Every criminal defense lawyer who represents a non-U.S. citizen defendant has a specific legal duty to provide accurate advice about the immigration consequences of a plea. Cal. Penal Code § 1016.3(a). This training provides an overview of how to meet your legal and ethical duties for noncitizen clients and represent non-citizens in criminal proceedings. We will discuss the roles and duties of defense, prosecutors, and court; how the defense of a non-citizen varies from that of a citizen; and how to identify immigration-safe alternatives for misdemeanors and felonies. We will also...
Level: All
In this webinar, the ILRC is partnering with Cornell Law School’s Path2Papers, Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and The Dream.US to provide an overview and update on the ...
This interactive webinar will discuss how defenders representing non-U.S. citizen youth in delinquency and related proceedings can screen clients and obtain SIJS certification for them from state court judges. We will review the whole procedure, discuss the effect of recent regulations, and highlight challenges and defense strategies for dealing with state courts and immigration authorities.
Los testimonios públicos son una herramienta poderosa para cualquier miembro de la comunidad que busca influir a los oficiales electos sobre los actuales temas sociales. Las agencias gubernamentales deben de escuchar al público acerca de sus propuestas de ley. Pero dar testimonio ante ellos puede resultar intimidante ya que hay límites de tiempo y afrontar reuniones dirigidas por entidades de gobierno que no son tan accesibles. Únase a esta capacitación para aprender cómo fortalecer sus habilidades para dar un testimonio público y practique para sentirse más cómodo al alzar su voz.
In this Zoom workshop, we will discuss the various bases for filing a motion to reopen and grapple with strategy decisions that are often at play after the entry of a removal order. We will discuss when and how to file a motion to reopen after a removal order has been entered against a noncitizen and review the important time and numerical limitations for the different types of motions to reopen. We will practice spotting scenarios in which we should utilize motions to reopen in favor of our clients and answer questions related to timing and strategy. We will...