4th Edition

Removal Defense: Defending Immigrants in Immigration Court

ILRC Attorneys
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Cover for Removal Defense: Defending Immigrants in Immigration Court. The cover has a dark gree background and the title, Removal Defense: Defending Immigrants in Immigration Court, is in white text. Below that, there is a dark blue banner with a circular ILRC logo, with white text across it that reads, "teaching, interpreting, and changing law since 1979." Under the banner, there is more information about the book. In white text, it reads, "4th Edition." Below that, it reads, "By ILRC Staff Attorneys."

One thing that is abundantly clear—immigrants need representation in immigration court. Most immigrants face removal proceedings without an attorney or authorized representative, and the outcomes with and without a representative are grossly disparate. In this updated edition of Removal Defense: Defending Immigrants in Immigration Court, we hope to build the capacity of immigration practitioners to assist individuals in immigration court proceedings to provide more immigrants with a meaningful chance at justice.


Removal Defense: Defending Immigrants in Immigration Court is a quick reference to key issues in removal defense, with a focus on the practical questions that aren't easily answered by combing the regulations and caselaw. This resource covers an overview of immigration proceedings, the grounds of inadmissibility and deportability, pleading to the Notice to Appear, trial practice tips, and a look at common forms of relief from removal, including cancellation of removal for both lawful permanent residents and non-residents, as well as asylum. This edition includes an updated chapter dedicated to motions to reopen. 

New in this Edition

  • A brand-new chapter on filing appeals;
  • A chapter dedicated to analyzing cases with crimes, with up-to-date caselaw;
  • A discussion of the new prosecutorial discretion framework, considerations, and strategies;
  • Up-to-date considerations for cases with NTAs lacking time and date of proceedings;
  • New Samples, including motions to terminate, procedural motions, motions to reopen, case preparation documents, and more!

Sample content
Table of Contents (160.44 KB)
Chapter 1 (379.67 KB)
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