
This toolkit will help reentry service providers expand services for noncitizens impacted by the criminal legal system. It offers an escalating service menu, starting with tools to provide general information about how a conviction can impact immigration status, advancing to tools to help clients gather information necessary for an individualized legal analysis, tools to perform that analysis, and last, tools to pursue immigration-related post-conviction relief. This toolkit was designed with reentry providers in mind, but may also be useful for immigration legal providers serving clients with prior records.

1. Provide Information:

Tools to share general information to noncitizen clients with immigation-related reentry needs.

Resources Available

2. Provide Support in Collecting Documents:

Tools to help clients collect documents they will need for a complete analysis of immigration options, impact of record on legal status, and post-conviction relief options. Types of records include: CA RAP sheets, FBI Background Checks, FOIA requests to immigration agencies.

Resources Available

3. Information Gathering for Legal Analysis:

Tools to gather information about immigration and criminal history to allow for PCR screening & analysis.

Resources Available

4. Case Analysis:

Tools to build expertise in crim/imm analysis to determine how a record may impact immigration status and identify PCR options.

Resources Available

5. Post-Conviction Relief Motions:

Tools to support reentry organizations in preparing and filing PCR motions for noncitizen clients. The process and complexity for each varies by type and county. Types of motions are broken into two categories: (1) simple motions and (2) motions to vacate.

Resources Available

(1) Simple motions that can help some noncitizens 

(2) Motions to Vacate (1473.7, 1016.5, Habeas)

This toolkit was developed by Lydia Sinkus as part of her Equal Justice Works Fellowship, sponsored by PayPal & Orrick Herrington and Sutcliffe and hosted by OneJustice, and contain tools created by Lydia and by the ILRC.