Remedies and Strategies for Permanent Resident Clients
Protect your permanent resident clients from being removed under a deportation or inadmissibility ground using the expert analysis and framework for representation contained in this manual. Designed as a “how to” manual, we provide clear, concise and detailed explanations of the grounds of removal permanent residents are most likely to face; when the grounds of inadmissibility and deportation do and don't apply; how to argue that they don't apply, and the immigration remedies available for each. We also discuss our tips for working with clients to elicit the evidence necessary to successfully defend their cases.
This manual contains detailed chapters on the grounds of deportability and inadmissibility, as well as the most common remedies for those charged with removability for crimes: LPR cancellation of removal (Chapter 4), former § 212(c) relief (Chapter 5), and relief under § 212(h) of the Immigration & Nationality Act (Chapter 6). It also contains a Chapter devoted to the comparison of LPR cancellation of removal and § 212(h) relief (Chapter 7), and a summary of other, less common remedies for permanent resident clients (Chapter 8). Finally, it contains a separate chapter on detention, (Chapter 9) and a chapter on how to work with clients to obtain the best evidence in their cases (Chapter 10).
Throughout the manual we also emphasize that termination of removal proceedings is the best remedy for the permanent resident client. Therefore, we present arguments that you can use to challenge the Notice to Appear and continually remind practitioners that whether or not a client has a claim to U.S. citizenship should never be ignored.